Yellow Hats is a leading developer of A-grade commercial, industrial and residential projects in USA. Since its foundation the company has doubled its turnover year on year, with its staff numbers swelling accordingly.
[cms_heading hd_subtitle=”All About Us” hd_title=”Our Story” cms_template=”cms_heading.php”]
Today Yellow Hats has over 4,000 professionals on its payroll. The company is active in Middle East, CIS and Europe.
[cms_heading hd_subtitle=”What We Can Do ?” hd_title=”Our Services” hd_description=”Yellow Hats is a leading developer of A-grade commercial, industrial and residential
projects in USA. Since its foundation the company has doubled its turnover year on
year, with its staff numbers swelling accordingly.” cms_template=”cms_heading–style1.php”]
[cms_services cms_template=”cms_services.php” source=”size:10|order_by:date|post_type:services”]
[cms_heading hd_subtitle=”Great & Awesome Works” hd_title=”Our Projects” cms_template=”cms_heading–style1.php”]
[cms_heading hd_subtitle=”What People Say !” hd_title=”Testimonials” cms_template=”cms_heading–style1.php”]
[cms_heading hd_subtitle=”They Always Trust Us” hd_title=”Our Clients” cms_template=”cms_heading–style1.php”]
[cms_cta cta_subtext=”Have Any Questions !” cta_text=”Don’t Hesitate To Contact Us ANy Time.” button_text=”Contact Us” link_button=”||” cms_template=”cms_cta.php”]